Total votes: 29,507
Round 1 Match 50 2x02 - Tooth and Claw 43 (20%) 9x12 - Hell Bent 170 (80%) 213 (100%) Round 2 Match 13 7x13 - The Name of the Doctor 56 (24%) 9x12 - Hell Bent 177 (76%) 233 (100%) Round 3 Match 12 6x02 - Day of the Moon 118 (35%) 9x12 - Hell Bent 220 (65%) 338 (100%) Round 4 Match 1 3x09 - The Family of Blood 126 (45%) 9x12 - Hell Bent 155 (55%) 281 (100%) Round 5 Match 1 9x02 - The Witch's Familiar 147 (51%) 9x12 - Hell Bent 140 (49%) 287 (100%) Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.